It's sometimes disappointing that we tend to forget that those addicted in using these stuffs are human beings and are aware of what they are exposing themselves to. The question is, why is there condemnation that is supposed to make them feel guilt of what they are doing forgetting that there are those that are trying. Our planet earth turns slowly without much pressure so why pressurize them with threats about rehabs and other weird stations where to most of the addicts are their worst nightmares.
Being an addict makes one feel odd from the rest who don't do drugs and it's not a good feeling at all. The reason is they recall the days that they were innocent kids enjoying life, using their cash for fun and this creates a sad feel in them. Not that the drugs they are addicted to makes them feel this, but the way they are treated both physical and emotional. This is usually the most hurting punishment that can be given to such a person. But if we just try and stand by them, show them that it's not a big deal to be in drugs and getting out is simple and an easy thing to do, then we would be in for the same ride and diversion is simple.
We can make a world a better place only if we make our relationship with them right. They are human beings

We can make a world a better place only if we make our relationship with them right. They are human beings
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