As a child growing up in a christian background it is usually hard to believe that this child can end up a drug addict. This is brought about mostly by peer pressure which is common in most teenagers. They innocently get themselves into these chains of drugs in a manner they would try figuring how to quit in vain.
Some causes that are most common.
Some causes that are most common.
- As a young adult, he or she might want to prove that no limitation of the parent can make him or her avoid some stuffs. The only thing they think of is pleasing their friends and proving to them that they are independent.
- Peer pressure is the other monster that locks them into these chains o drugs and substance abuse. From the things they here their friends talking about like being high and dope they too tend to like being in the same position as them and slowly by slowly they get into the world of drugs addiction.
- Family issues are other things that haunt most of the students who come to cities for higher studies and other activities such as jobs. From the hardship they got back at home and some more sticky issues makes them start by doing alcohol and within no time they get engaged in some company that eventually introduce them into drugs.

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