Prescription Drug Abuse
This often starts as a harmless habit because prescriptions drugs help alleviate pain or distress. Because the drugs are prescribed and legal, most users take them with a clear conscience and even abuse them, but would not view it as such.
With time, the user begins to take more because the body develops a form of tolerance for the drugs. Eventually, they get addicted and would do anything to obtain the drugs. Addicts turn to doctors to get as much as they can and eventually turn to buying from the black market.
The constant intake of prescription drugs is harmful to the body and may affect the functioning of organs and tissues in the body.
Cocaine Dependence
Besides the fact that cocaine is illegal and can land a person in jail, the drug is extremely harmful to the body. A cocaine addict may end up burning a hole in their nasal cavity and have constant bloody nose and sinus infections.
The constant sniffing and resultant runny nose leaves a chapped area under the nostril. In addition, cocaine is a stimulant and speeds up the heart rate. This does not just affect the circulatory system, but it also affects vision. Finally, prolonged use of cocaine can lead to death.
Marijuana Dependence
Many people believe marijuana should be legalized. Some states have done this already while others allow use for medicinal purposes. Because marijuana is natural, some people believe that marijuana should not be classified as a drug. The truth is, marijuana is a drug. There is proof that marijuana destroys brain cells and causes respiratory problems.
Meth, crack, mushrooms, acid, and cocaine are all available on the streets for anyone looking for them. These drugs are all dangerous. Crack, meth, and cocaine kill people every day by causing their hearts just to give up. Acid users can have flashbacks for years. Besides the prospects of being imprisoned, even those who escape jail time would not want to risk losing their families, jobs, and lives.
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