Before a person is addicted, they have a much greater ability to set drugs down and walk away from them. If a person has just begun abusing alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, LSD or prescription drugs, if they can be inspired to leave them behind and create a healthy new life, this relieves the family of endless heartbreak and may even save that person’s life.

But young people so often keep their substance abuse habits secrets from family and school, and even from their sober friends. This is why a young person may change friends rather suddenly. If, for example, a young man associated with athletes and then gradually drops out of touch with them and begins to hang out with young people who are not doing very well in life, dress oddly and perhaps do not seem to care for themselves very well, there is a good chance that he has begun to abuse drugs. It is normal for the new drug user to seek out the company of people who are also abusing substances.
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