Study Finds Most Alcohol, Drug Abuse Starts in Teen Years

Recent surveys of teens and young adults have turned up a startling new fact. More than one study finds most alcohol, drug abuse starts in teen years. Just when our young people should be getting educations and preparing for their lives, many are starting to abuse alcohol and drugs and risking addiction.
There are several situations that increase a teen’s risk for abusing drugs or alcohol. These are when:
  • The young person is depressed
  • He or she suffers from low self-esteem
  • The young person manifests early signs of aggressive behavior
  • He or she feels rejected socially
  • Parents do not provide enough supervision or care
  • The family suffers from poverty
  • There are many drugs readily available, either in the home or close by
To prevent the situation where a survey finds most alcohol, drug abuse starts in teen years, as much as possible these risks should be prevented. The other way to reduce teen drug abuse is to educate the young on the serious problems that can result from substance abuse. When a teen sees his or her friends seeming to enjoy themselves or experience excitement or euphoria, this can look very attractive. Especially if he is bored or stressed by his experiences at home or at school.
